Yesterday, I received a phone call from a number and name that I did not recognize. I was not screening my calls (as I am often prone to doing) but I had missed it as I was trying to get the little dude to sleep. As I am not one of those crazy people that returns phone calls to people when you don't even know who they are ("Yes, you called my house? What is your name? Oh, it was a wrong number. Ok, bye."), I just deleted the number. Turns out she is a relative on my mother's side. She is actually my pepère's (grandfather's) cousin. Granted, that means she is elderly, but she had spoken with my memère (that's right, grandmother) and memère gave her my contact info, as she was visiting her son here in town.
She decided to pop in to see me, and I was amazed at how loving and warm she was for never having seen me in her life. To top it off, she LOOKED like she was related. She resembled a couple of my aunts, so I guess I now know where those characteristic looks come from. She visited with Sacha and I outside, talked about her family, wanted to know if I play any instruments (music is BIG on that side of the family) and did the general bonding thing. It felt as though I had known her my whole life. In fact, if she lived here, I'm sure I would visit her regularly (as I have no family here).
It's amazing to me how the ties of blood can be so thick and entangled into our being without really realizing it.
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