In four weeks, Keesadilla will celebrate his 4th birthday. And he knows it's coming. This morning, while Tony and I were hazily enjoying our caffeine-drip, Keesadilla asked if his birthday was after breakfast. When we said no, he asked if it was tomorrow. When we said no again, he said: How many minutes, then??
For the third time in his life, he wants a Thomas the Tank Engine cake. And gifts? Trains. More trains. Maybe a Shake-Shake bridge. Oh, did I mention trains?
Now, buying Keesadilla a train is not as easy as a perogy: there was the unfortunate incident when he received two of the same engine for Christmas. Wait, scratch that. It was THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVEEEEEERRRRRRR! OH MY GOSH! I GOT TWO DIESEL 10S! ARE THEY BROTHERS LIKE ME AND SACHA? AAAAAAHHHH!! I LOVE TRAINS!!!!
For ease of train-shopping for all you birthday gift givers out there, Keesadilla has produced an informative video featuring his extensive train collection. He hopes that it will help all of you in your train purchasing endeavors and says to please, feel free to reference it as often as you like. You may not get all of the details of which trains he has and which ones he does NOT after a single viewing.
If you have shares in Learning Curve toys, YOU'RE WELCOME.
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