[caption id="attachment_626" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="All the organic local goodness you can stuff in your pie-hole"]
I did not have enough strawberries to make this a true strubarb pie, so I tossed in some saskatoons and raspberries from last season that I had flash-frozen for such an occasion. I made the filling on the stove before baking the pie, just so I could do some necessary quality control (mmm...more quality control please...)
It was all I could do not to devour this baby for breakfast. True homegrown flavour, wrapped in awesome pastry-flakiness, also from scratch.**
I don't care how many calories it is. Pie season only comes once a year.
**No, making pie crust from scratch is not hard. It is necessary for delicious awesomeness.
I was wondering why you texted me a picture of pie at 11:30pm. And yes, homemade crust is necessary. Store-bought = blasphemy