Saturday, 30 June 2007

Really? I can't believe it...

Online Dating

I thought I was a good girl, but apparently using the word fuck/fucking and sex is not for virgin eyes...


  1. So this is how it works, you carefully restrict yourself to "rats" "darn" and "phooey" for ages, then slip up once with a "****" and that's when Sasha will be right behind you, picking it up and saying nothing else for weeks.

  2. You should wear that badge proudly!!!! I'm R-rated too! I feel so validated!

  3. Actually, I don't mind being R rated, as my sisters' lives seem to be anyway :D

  4. [...] never loved sleep more than I did last night! So there we were, fully becoming worthy of my R blog rating, and Sacha wakes me [...]


Thoughts? Comments? Questions?